Monday, December 21, 2009

7 Years!

Today is my 7 year anniversary to Mr. Eric Droke. We were 22 and 21 when we got married. Since then, I've finished my bachelors degree, we've adopted a cat-may she rest in peace-, had a little girl, had a car accident, had a baby boy, moved a few times, battled a near death, unexplained illness, and adopted a dog.

I appreciate and love this man more today than ever in my life. A marriage-therapist-friend told me that there is a significant change in the marriage relationship every 7 years. I would agree with that. Over the last year, our marriage has changed, but in a good way. I have a greater respect for him now than ever in my life. I've learned to at least try to see the best in obnoxious people. I've learned to at least try to give troublesome people the benefit of the doubt. I've learned to at least try to shut up and listen in a confrontation. I've learned what true character acts like. In short, I'm a much better person than I was when he married me 7 years ago, because of his example. Of all the men in the world, I'm so glad I picked him... he just thinks he picked me....


Michele said...

How sweet!

Eric Droke said...

Thanks, Precious. I love you more than I can say. Thanks for picking me!

Diann Horner said...

Congratulations! It is easy when God is in the middle of it all! Love you. Diann Horner (Kim's mom)