Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Yesterday I was hanging laundry on my line outside. There were crunchy leaves on the ground. The temperature was about 72* and there was a cool breeze blowing. The kids were playing nicely with the dog and the birds were chirping. The sky was that beautiful, crisp, 'fall' blue without a cloud in it. That's when it occurred to me that if the storms over the last couple of weeks were what pushed this beautiful pressure system into place, it was TOTALLY worth it. Yes, my laundry backed up... (thanks mom and dad for letting me bring a couple of loads over to dry last week). Yes, my kids and my dog got MAJOR cabin fever. Yes, it was not the easiest 2 weeks of my life. But, this cooler weather with low humidity, now, is absolutely perfect. It couldn't have gotten here without the storm system that moved through, though... I'm definitely not a meteorologist, but that's what it looked like was happening on the weather channel.

Standing there in my yard on the first fall-like day of the season, I realized that applies to my life, too. Eric and I have had major storms over the last couple of years. We've even had some HUGE disappointments and let downs in the last few months, but if those storms are what it takes for us to have the right perspective and enjoy the beautiful 'weather' that's coming our way to the fullest, then it was TOTALLY worth it!

I'm not naive (or arrogant) enough to think that I'm the first person to compare those 2 things, but I'm glad God brought it to my mind while I was where I could fully appreciate the cause and effect fully.


Michele said...

Good post, Liz!

Eric Droke said...

Wow! Greate post, Baby. I'd say that puts a lot of things into perspective quite nicely. Thanks!