Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A Passion

Growing up, my 2 lovely sisters and I had a wonderful long concrete driveway with a large turn-around area. Naturally, that turn-around area served us by being our lay out arena during the summer, basketball court during the winter, and general hang out... when mom and dad weren't parked there. One of the things we used it for all year round was roller skating. We'd put on our awesome skates with the bells and/or powder puffs tied into the laces and skate to the super cool Dirty Dancing Soundtrack for hours. The Christmas when I was 8 years old (wow... almost 20 years ago) we received our first pairs of Rollerblades. I loved mine! I still felt an attachment and loyalty to my regular roller skates because I could twist and flip around in them as easily as running or riding my bike. But my Rollerblades... They were rugged and tough, almost indestructible. I could run over sticks and not get tripped up. It was wonderful!

In 1997, I was 16 years old, and THE GREENWAY opened here in Murfreesboro. It's a paved trail that follows Stones River all over town. There are several trail heads throughout town. On the Greenway, you would share company with avid joggers or bikers, couples walking hand in hand, elderly couples walking little "Yap" dogs (yap yap yap yap yap), parent's pulling their small kids behind their bikes on little carts, single people reading or fishing by the Stones River and any other race, relationship status and demographic that comes to mind. As soon as I got my drivers' license, I began driving to my favorite trail head and rollerblading on the Greenway. It was FANTASTIC! I could go almost 3 miles without having to turn around. It was where I went when I needed to think or unwind. It was something I could do during my volatile teen years when I felt my head would explode. Something that was much better for me than, say, chopping my own pony tail off in a fit of hormonal rage. (unfortunately that really did happen when I was 13) I realized last month that I've been skating my favorite 3 mile stretch of Greenway for over 10 years! It has carried me through part of high school, college, a wedding, a new marriage, 2 pregnancies (at which point I took a sabbatical), more marriage and a couple of career changes. I very nearly REVERE this activity. It helped me maintain my weight in my younger days and lose weight (a year or so) after both children. It is easy on my joints. I can listen to my ipod. I can even pray... if you don't believe me, put some Shirley Caesar: Hold My Mule on your work out play list and see if you don't start speaking in tongues the next time you work out. This is an all around good-for-me activity that I LOVE. The liberation and endorphin rush I feel after a 10 or 12 mile roller blade is nearly unparalelled. Plus, as a stay at home mom, it is something that remains MINE!

If you don't have a stress relieving work out option that you love and can stick to, shop around. I strongly encourage you to find something you enjoy doing that will give your heart the workout it needs a few times per week. After all, are we not instructed by God to take care of "our temple?"

1 comment:

Michele said...

Yay! I can comment now. Another great post, Liz. I'm really enjoying your blog! I too have fond memories of our turnaround...many fun times spent there.