Saturday, August 29, 2009

Face Mask

My daughter, AbiLyn, doesn't need a whole lot of sleep. She goes to bed between 9pm and 10 pm, and is up ready to go anywhere from 7:45am to 9am. Compared to her brother, that's not much. If she takes a nap, lately, it's only about 45 minutes. Well, as she's gotten older, it has become more and more difficult to get her to go to sleep. It's been a struggle for years, but the past few months, it has become extremely frustrating. I wouldn't even bother with it except that on the days she doesn't get a nap, she starts to absolutely LOSE IT over everything beginning at about 6pm. Well, that's when Eric gets home from work and we have dinner, so our daily family time isn't very enjoyable for ANYONE!

Last weekend I went on a Girls' Trip to Chattanooga with my sisters, mom, and AbiLyn. Well, in the excitement of getting ready to go, I wanted to buy AbiLyn a little something. She is so girly and prissy, I decided to get her a little sleeping mask from the $1 aisle at Target. She LOVED it! She sleeps in it all the time. Nap time is a complete breeze now. As long as I make her lay down and put it on, she goes right to sleep.

Eric and I decided that was the best purchase of the year!

By the way, you can read about our trip to Chatt on my sisters blog by clicking on "Girls' Trip" above.

1 comment:

Michele said...

Who'd have thought something so simple could do such wonders?! And I'm emailing you a pic of her in the mask if you want to post it here.