Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Life's Not Fair...

First let me say, I can't think of the phrase "life's not fair" without thinking of Scar on the Lion King... but that's not what this post is about.

Last week when I was visiting family in Kelso, my cousin, Laura, said something that really made me laugh. Her 5 year old daughter was fussing about something and saying how it "wasn't fair." My cousin didn't hesitate a bit before she replied, " Life's not fair, but God is good." I asked her to repeat herself, so I could make sure I heard it right. She said that her dad, my Uncle Randy, has been saying that all her life. It was so funny to me at the time, but it is so true. It's surprised me how many times it has popped into my head over the last week. Thanks to that one unexpected moment, I'll never again hear the phrase, "Life's not fair," without first thinking of Scar-that's a really old habit-, but then thinking that God is still good.

1 comment:

Michele said...

What wonderful wisdom from the great philosophical mind of Randy Yeoman.