Monday, August 24, 2009

Guilty Pleasure

I love to litter. I haven't done it since I was a teenager, maybe early twenties, but I do still get, and suppress, the urge now and then.

It all started when I was about 15. Dad bought my sister, Michele, an older mustang convertible to drive/tote me and my other sister, Carla around in. It wasn't super nice, but it was a CONVERTIBLE!

One particular time, I distinctly remember my mom telling us not to make any extra stops on our way home from church. So, what did we do? Naturally, we pulled though the Checkers that was on our way. They have the BEST french fries. Knowing mom, being the wonderful mom she is, would have dinner ready when we got home and having the added bonus of being told not to make any stops, we had to dispose of the evidence. It was so easy with the convertible. It was a back road that, at the time, wasn't even in the city limits. All you could see were empty fields in both directions. We just raised our Checkers' litter above our heads and let it go. Unfortunately, now I associate the freedom of that time in my life and the "badness" of that small disobedience with littering. Oh well, it's a battle I'll fight the rest of my life.


Michele said...

Liz, I think this is one of the FUNNIEST things about you: your fascination with littering. And, technically, I don't consider a drive thru a "stop." We never even got out of the car or turned off the engine. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

Jason & Becky said...

You know, come to think of it, I think I have seen you throw candy wrappers out the window a few times. Now I know! :)

Lizzy said...

Actually, I only throw sucker sticks out, because they are biodegradable. :) lol...